By DAWN PROSSER Director of Communications As the annual Seminarian Appeal kicks off, seminarians for the Diocese of Sioux City and the priests of the diocesan Office of Vocations are grateful for the support of the faithful, both in prayer and financial gifts.
“We thank the people of the diocese for the support they constantly show us. It’s not randomly here or there - it’s consistent throughout the year. The Seminarian Appeal is obviously one of the major ways people help us, but not the only way,” said Deacon Jake Rosenmeyer, noting seminarians often receive mail and prayers from parishioners throughout the diocese, as well as financial support through the appeal.
With just one year left as a seminarian before being ordained a priest in June 2025, Rosenmeyer said he has “benefitted a number of years from all the support and it made the journey here easier.”
Father Travis Crotty said he has witnessed the generosity of the faithful during his nine years as a seminarian and two years serving as vocation director.
“I have been impressed by the consistent generosity of the faithful of the Diocese of Sioux City,” the vocations director said.
Appeal brochures have been mailed to thousands of households throughout the diocese for the 2024 campaign. To support the Seminarian Appeal financially, donors can return their gift through the U.S. Mail or contribute online at or by scanning the QR code on the campaign graphic. The goal is $200,000 for this year’s appeal.
Funds raised assist the diocese in funding the education for the seminarians in formation for a potential vocation to the priesthood. With the new additions of Jack Jensen of Mater Dei Parish in Sioux City and Anthony Sibbel of John Paul II Parish in Carroll, there are currently 10 seminarians studying for the Diocese of Sioux City.
The other seminarians include Rosenmeyer, Thomas Kollasch of Divine Mercy Parish in Algona, James Fitzsimmons of Cathedral Parish in Sioux City, Garrett Hugeback of St. Joseph Parish in Wall Lake, Anthony Vera of All Saints Parish in LeMars, Zach Steffens of St. Mary Parish in Spirit Lake and Brian Schmit of St. Anthony Parish in Hospers.
Funds from the appeal also assist the Vocations Office in hosting events for discerning young men including the recent Quest trip to the Black Hills in South Dakota and the Quo Vadis discernment retreat next month in Okoboji.
Diocesan Director of Seminarians Father Shane Deman pointed out that the “spiritual and financial support” of seminarians and the Vocations Office is a sign of deep faith of the people in the diocese “and hope in the future of the church.”
“My goal is that we are forming men to be generous in giving their lives to the church as our benefactors have been so generous toward us,” Father Deman said.
In light of having fewer priests serving than in past years, the vocations director quoted Mt 9:37, “the harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few,” regarding priestly vocations. He said in his work across the diocese and the Midwest, he was happy to see such deep faith in Catholic households, parishes, Catholic schools and college and university Newman Centers, creating an environment for vocations.
“The same Holy Spirit who descended upon the apostles is still active in the minds and hearts of many. While we need more priests, we also need more faithful families, faithful parishes and faithful schools that will continue to foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life,” noted Father Crotty.
As the diocesan Office of Vocations continues to assist young men discerning a call to the priesthood, Father Crotty said the support of the faithful provides a positive outlook for the seminarians and priests for the future of the church.
“Your support of our seminarians helps the few laborers that we do have feel encouragement and hope that a new generation of faithful Catholics is continuing to seek God’s will in their lives,” he said. “And young men are continuing to answer God’s call to the seminary and the priesthood.”
Discover more about the diocesan Office of Vocations and the seminarians, at To learn more about discerning for the priesthood, contact the Vocations Office at (712) 233-7523 or [email protected] or [email protected].